
In Setein works ordinary people ... doing extraordinary things !!! 365 days a year 24 hours

General Information

Business name
Servicios Técnicos Industriales Internacionales S.A. de C.V.
Line of business
Elimination of on-line leak sealing, Preventive /corrective maintenance to valves, actuators and pipelines, Manufacturing of metallic enclosures and installation of compos ite wraps.
Inception date
January 12 th, 1996
Place of Origin

¿Who we are?

About us

Servicios Técnicos Industriales Internacionales S.A. de C.V. (SETEIN), is a 100% Mexican company that was founded in the mid 90s. Since inception we have established the goal to harmonize the development of plants and refineries by helping them maintain their continuous processes. Also, we offer integral services oriented to improve the efficiency of industrial processes in order to reduce our client’s costs:
- Decrease of costs thanks to the continuous maintenance.
- Preventive maintenance helps saves uncalled costly shut downs.
- Decrease of pollution due to emissions

¿What do we offer?

With our 20 years of experience we have consolidated as one of the leaders in on-line leak sealing and in the preventive/corrective maintenance of valves & actuators. Also, integral maintenance to pipelines.

Our Advantage

We guarantee continuous processes to our clients by delivering an integral service using the latest technologies in the industry in order to reduce our clients energy losses and costly unforeseen process interruptions, while reducing the emissions to the environment.


We are motivated to expand our services and keep bringing solutions nationally and internationally.